
Effects of scented personal care products on ozone reactivity with human building occupants – see here

Novel Methods of Collecting, Processing, and Analyzing Ecologically-Valid, Multi-Modal Environmental Data Gathered from Consumer-Grade Devices in the Field (Working)


  • Levin, M. W., Fritz, H., & Boyles, S. D. (2017). On Optimizing Reservation-Based Intersection Controls. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(3), 505-515.
  • Park, J. Y., Dougherty, T., Fritz, H., & Nagy, Z. (2018). LightLearn: An adaptive and occupant centered controller for lighting based on reinforcement learning. Building and Environment.
  • Ganesh, H. S., Fritz, H. E., Edgar, T. F., Novoselac, A., & Baldea, M. (2019). A model-based dynamic optimization strategy for control of indoor air pollutants. Energy and Buildings, 195, 168-179.


  • Fritz, H., Waites, W., Bastami, S., Kinney, K., Nagy, Z., BEVO Beacon: A Low-Cost Sensor Platform to Monitor Indoor Environmental Quality. AAAR 2019, Portland, OR. November 2019
  • J.Y. Park, T. Dougherty, H. Fritz, and Z. Nagy, “LightLearn: An Adaptive and Occupant Centered Controller for Lighting based on Reinforcement Learning”, OB-18: The 4th International Symposium on Occupant Behaviour, Ottawa Canada, October 2018
  • J.Y. Park, T. Dougherty, H. Fritz, and Z. Nagy, “LightLearn: Occupant centered building controller using reinforcement learning to adapt systems to humans”, 7th International Building Physics Conference IBPC2018, Syracuse NY, September 2018
  • R. Corsi, L. Lesnick, H. Fritz, and A. Novoselac. Ozone Deposition in Portable Classrooms in Central Texas. International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (ISIAQ): Indoor Air 2018, Philadelphia, PA. July 2018
  • J.Y. Park, T. Dougherty, H. Fritz, and Z. Nagy, “Reinforcement Learning for Occupant Centered Building Control System”, Living LabWorkshop in the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal Canada, April 2018


  • Kockelman, K. M., Boyles, S. D., Avery, P., Claudel, C., Bansal, P., Loftus-Otway, L., Wagner, W., Stewart, D., Sharon, G., Albert, M., Fritz, H., & Clements, L. (2016). Bringing smart transport to Texans: ensuring the benefits of a connected and autonomous transport system in Texas–final report(No. FHWA/TX-16/0-6838-2). Texas. Dept. of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office.
  • Kockelman, K., Boyles, S., Stone, P., Fagnant, D., Patel, R., Levin, M. W., Sharon G., Simoni, M., Albert, M., Fritz, H., & Hutchinson, R. (2017). An assessment of autonomous vehicles: traffic impacts and infrastructure needs (No. FHWA/TX-17/0-6847-1). University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research.