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Ph. D Civil Engineering - Currently Attending The University of Texas, Austin TX Thesis: Novel Methods of Collecting, Processing, and Analyzing Ecologically-Valid, Multi-Modal Environmental Data Gathered from Consumer-Grade Devices in the Field

MS Environmental and Water Resources Engineering - May 2018 The University of Texas, Austin TX Thesis: Ozone Deposition Rates in Portable Classrooms

BS Civil Engineering - May 2016 The University of Texas, Austin TX

Professional Experiences

Graduate Research Assistant Aug 2018 - Now Intelligent Environments Lab, Austin TX

Math and Science Tutor Oct 2016 - June 2021 Austin Learning Center Tutoring, Austin TX

Graduate Research Assistant Aug 2016 - May 2018 Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Austin TX

Undergraduate Research Assistant Dec 2015 - Aug 2016 Ocean Engineering Group, Austin TX

Undergraduate Research Assistant Dec 2014 - July 2016 Transportation Engineering Group, Austin TX

Undergraduate Research Assistant June 2015 - Aug 2015 Technologies for Renewable Energy Generation and Management NSF REU, Rolla MO

Grants, Awards, and Certifications


Walter L. and Reta Mae Moore Graduate Fellowship, University of Texas, 2016

University of Texas Legacy Scholar Scholarship, University of Texas, 2016

Green Fund Grant, University of Texas, 2021


People’s Choice Award, UT CAEE Sustainable Doghouse Challenge, 2017

Outstanding Teaching Assistant, UT CAEE, 2018

People’s Choice Award, UT CAEE Graduate Student Symposium, 2021


Human Subjects Research Training, UT Internal Review Board, 2019

Professional Involvement

ASHRAE, member, 2018 - Now

International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), member, 2018 -2018